
Quotes to Ponder #27

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essay gaming

A Few Thoughts about Playing Football Manager

Intro The Football Manager game series is my all time favorite, but I don’t play it anymore. I used to play it a lot, and it got in the way of other, more important things in my life. At my worst, I would probably play up to 400 hours per year. A friend once told […]


Quotes to Ponder #26

Time is the only critic without ambition. John Steinbeck

anime TV

A Japanese property that could replace Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is over. Finally, the snarky people who never gave it a chance might say. I’m sure some fans of the show who aren’t exactly thrilled with how the show wrapped up would say the same. But, with the end of Game of Thrones ends perhaps the last show that occupied a significant […]


Quotes to Ponder #25

The Brain is Wider than the Sky. Emily Dickinson


Quotes to Ponder #24

A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings. Sam Harris