
Quotes to Ponder #19

Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief. Cicero


Quotes to Ponder #18

You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. James Baldwin

best of books Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg Under 100 #2 The Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve

Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve (1685-1755) She was born and raised in a powerful protestant French family. Now largely forgotten, she was one of the most prolific and commercially successful writers of her time. She wrote fairy tales as well as novels. The book that is considered her masterpiece is called La Jardinière de Vincennes. The title we most remember […]


Quotes to Ponder #17

A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. Alexander Pope


Selling Yourself

When people say that this or that person is selling themselves, they usually mean that they are a prostitute, male or female. But is that really selling your self? Is your whole self being sold? No. Prostitutes don’t sell themselves, they sell parts of themselves. For a certain amount of time, one or a few […]

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Project Gutenberg Under 100 #1 Ourika by Claire de Duras

Claire de Duras Not much is known about the life of Claire de Duras. What we do know of her is that she was a duchess of Duras. She was born in France but had moved to London during the French Revolution. There she met another French exile who will influence her career greatly Chateaubriand. […]

quotes religion

Quotes to Ponder #16

I count religion but a childish toyAnd hold, there is no sin but ignorance. Christopher Marlowe

best of books

Project Gutenberg Sub100 Intro Post

Firstly, let me say a few things about the inspiration behind this post and why I hope it will turn into a regular series. I love Project Gutenberg. There are always a lot of talented people, in every job, occupation, calling that either fall through the cracks of time or get compressed. What I mean […]